Wednesday, March 16, 2005

SWT Development

I am currently writing an application that will fill a small bit of functionality that I need.  I am also using this as a way to learn more about JDK 5.0 and SWT development, in particular.  Over the past hour, I have realized, at least in JDK 5.0 (never tried it in earlier versions), you cannot override the SWT Display or Shell objects.

I was thinking about a way to have a main Application class that extends Display.  From that, I was going to have multiple window classes which extended Shell from SWT.  Unfortunately after I put together a couple of classes and tried to launch it, I get an error stating that overrides are not allowed.  I then remembered reading something like that on the web somewhere.  Unfortunately, this is one of those situations where you sort of remember something, but you cannot remember exactly where you saw it, so you have no clue where to find it again.  :)

Oh well, it is all a learning process.  That and the fact that it is just so much fun is the reason I got into software development over 16 years ago anyway.

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