Blog puke
I am not sure what exactly happened today at Blogger, but my mother emailed me asking about my blog and why the Blogroll was gone. I took a look and the template had reverted to the default and lost my changes at some point in the past 36 hours. It is fixed now.
Hey Kerri how are ya. Hey I wonder if you can give me a hand with my blogs. I really am about to loose it and delete them all! I keep having to add my technoraty link'd button and redo my code over there so I can place at the blog, only to see it dissapear after a couple of days...
I also am having a problem with comments and trackbacks, it seems that these things work fine for a few days and then everything goes haywire. Is there a blog software company that has some sort of tighter security with these things?
Please help! You can contact me at edfern34[at]hotmail[dot]com.
Thank you and God Bless !
Just an update. I had an all out with 2 companies, and now it seems that the blogs are doing OK. I don't know, it kind of scares me to have given control of my comments and trackbacks to a third party operation, but such is life, we live and learn. Regarding tags, I haven't even dabbed onto the issue yet, I'll keep you posted. Hope all is well with you.
I am glad to hear that everything seems to be working well.
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