Joda-Time v1.0
I came across a new date and time API for the Java community the other day, but I did not get a chance to do anything with it until tonight. The package is called Joda-Time v1.0. Joda-Time provides a quality replacement for the Java date and time classes.
It is very easy to get up to speed with Joda-Time. The main object that you will deal with if you are just doing regular date and time manipulations is the org.joda.time.DateTime class. I refactored a couple of my classes tonight and I can say that using DateTime is far simpler than using the Date and Calendar objects from java.util.
I can actually create a new DateTime object, add some specified duration to it, and assign it to a variable all in one line of code. Using the classes from java.util, I would have to get a Calendar object instance. From that, I could add some specified duration. To finally get a Date object, I call a method called getTime(). Geez!
Joda-Time is a very nice project. The documentation is very clean and the web site has all of their JCoverage information for their unit tests.
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